Monday, November 27, 2006

Turkey, Trimmings & the Giving of Thanks

Well, we all survived. Correction, the turkey did not. Thanksgiving break has come and gone and ya know what? It was really good. Nana & Papa came in from Cali and I think were stunned by the growth of the boy both physically and mentally. They really bonded with him this trip and it was great to witness. Great is actually a bit of an understatement. Grandparents are such a key component in a child's life and it is terrific to watch the relationship building there.

Thanksgiving dinner went well except for the dry-ass bird I cooked. I know, I know, let it go Scott. If only I could have pulled it out 10 degrees sooner...

Sandy baked her amazing pies. At least I guess her pumpkin pie was amazing becuase as long as there is pecan pie in the house...that's the end of my eatin'.

All in all, a lot of fun. Not the most relaxing but hey, what can you do. Definitely made me feel grateful for what I have and who I have. And that my friends, is what it's all about. Not the Hokey Pokey, as previously belived.

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