Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Really, Scott? A Blog?

I know, I know. How trendy it is to have your own blog. How 2006 of me. So why do it? Dunno. I guess it's the frustrated writer in me. You see, back in high school I wanted to be a serious journalist until I found out how much (actually how little) money they made. Money, or lack thereof, can kill a passion like nobody's business. Then I planned on writing The Mediocre American Novel which of course never materialized either. So fast forward to 2006 and every 13-year old kid with a mouth full of braces has his own blog. So here I come world wide web. For better or for worse, Scott's gone cyber with his thoughts. God help us all.

My guess? You'll be back. Like a car crash that you can't look away from, you'll click that bookmark with a sort of feigned interest just to see what happens next. "Does anyone's mind really work that way?" you'll ponder. Yup, it really does. And yes, it's exhausting. So without further ado, welcome to the jungle.