Thursday, January 18, 2007

Playing Catch Up

I had a good run going there for awhile, didn't I? And then I fell back to my old ways and quit updating this here blog o' mine. Sorry folks. All none of you.

Christmas came and went relatively quietly. In fact, extremely quietly. It was nice to have a lazy Christmas break and not come back to work even more tired than I was when I left. It was fun watching the boy with his Xmas presents but it was most definitely a case of sensory overload. Next year we will pull in the reins a bit. I say that now.

So last Sunday the wife ran her first half-marathon. She never ceases to amaze me. Congrats do rock. Then we came home and watch the dumbass Chargers do what they do best...blow it when it really counts. They are out of the playoffs as the most talented team involved in the whole frickin' thing. Who cares. Whatever. I hate sports. I'm goin' gay instead. Much less heartbreak that way.